A Beautiful Goodbye.
A burial Shroud is a cloth garment used to wrap the body in preparation for burial. Shrouds can be used with or without a casket, and can be as plain as a bed sheet or as elaborate as hand-dyed silk wrap with straps and handles. Shrouds are made from natural materials so that they decompose easily, which makes them both an eco-friendly and affordable alternative to caskets. Most often Shrouds are used for Green Burials. In any form, Shrouds offer a beautiful way to make the final journey, and they can easily be adorned with fresh flowers and other decorations.
Conventional burial usually involves embalming chemicals, concrete vaults, and metal caskets. These create obstacles which prevent the body from reaching the soil. Our Shrouds are made for Green Burial- an alternative that allows the body to complete the circle of life and return to the Earth through the natural process of decomposition. They are made with soft, natural materials that break down with the body to become part of the land.
Shrouds bring beauty into our hardest moments of life- the Death of a loved one. Shrouds soften the edges, providing an opportunity for ceremony as we wrap, lay in honor, carry and finally lower the body to rest. The Shrouding process provides the opportunity to give a final loving touch at the moment of farewell, and the Shroud folds and pockets provide elegant ways to tuck mementos, flowers, and love notes in with the departed. However it looks for your family, we are honored to help you create a memorial uniquely suited to your family.
Our Shrouds
Our Design
Our Shrouds are hand-crafted with a uniquely elegant and functional design. They are made to beautifully lay the body in honor, carry the body to the final resting place, and lower the body into the Earth. All Shrouds include an open top suitable to any height, and a closed box toe which is lightly pleated to make elegant folds easy to achieve. Our built-in backboard pocket is connected to a carrying strap system and tie closures. Our shrouds function fully on their own to carry and lower the body, or can be paired with a casket.
Choose from our simple, hand-painted and hand-dyed options.
Who We Are
We are two artisans committed to handing down the art of dying, in the form of an apprenticeship. Pat is a master sewist, painter, and shroud maker. Raymond is a weaver, communicator, and apprentice. We collaborate as a team to create sturdy and gorgeous hand-crafted burial Shrouds. We believe that in bringing the beautiful ritual of Shrouding back into our burial practices, we create containers for our grief that facilitate healing and integration in our times of need. In this way, the ancient ritual of shrouding can become our final gift to those we love.
Get to know us on Instagram.
Animated Instructions
Below are the animated versions of the instruction manuals that come with every shroud.
Laying the Body in Honor
Animated instructions for laying the body in honor.
Laying the body in honor is an intimate time to sit vigil with the beloved Dead. Shroud the body with the face visible so that loved ones can say goodbye. Decorate the body with flowers, mementos, important items, photographs, etc. Invite visitors to place a note in the chest pocket. You may choose to use candle light, keep the lights low, and play soft music. This is a chance to soften the goodbye and create a beautiful space for all who attend.